Wednesday 28 November 2012

PT 1: Dermatitis life-changing

So I think I’ve reached a turning point in regards to the treatment of my dermatitis, thanks to my amazing dermatologist who came up with a great treatment plan.

I’ve written about my experience before in the Fighting Scalp Issues post. I honestly thought I could handle this outbreak by myself in the beginning. It was a mix of me wanting to do it 100% natural, or pick up products from the drug store and also because I thought to myself, I’ve been through this before, I can’t fix this.

Wow, was I wrong, by June of this year the irritation had not subsided and I was actually starting to lose hair in the front and top area of my crown. In terms of styling, I was confined to head bands and beanie hats. The panic sat in. This was definitely bigger than me. I needed some professional HELP!

I went to see my doctor, very good friends with one of my “sisters” who also happens to be a great dermatologist. Not only is she black and knows about what we as black women put our hair through, but she also has succeeded in keeping her own dermatitis at bay. That was very reassuring for me. A feeling of relief came over me.

She prescribed clobex to me and it is wonderful – it’s the truth! It started to heal the area on my scalp and my hair started to bounce back. She told me that oiling my scalp was out of the question, but my mainstays, shea butter and coconut oil are fine to use on my hair. 

Even though things were looking good, she still wanted to test me scalp for follicle damage and to make sure her treatment was strong enough. The test show that I had minor scarring, that could spread if not addressed. Pretty scary stuff right! My doctor assured me that based on the fact that my hair was already growing in, she says my scarring is miniscule and treatable, as long as I continue a healthy regimen. HALLELUJAH, I’m one of the lucky ones!

This is part one of a mini-series I have planned. I really think these scalp and hair conditions are health issues that black women need to know about and take responsibility for.

Keep reading and checking in with me on Twitter @canadiancurlie for the upcoming posts or comment if this hits home for you or someone you know.

Blessings and Curls,



1 comment:

  1. OH! MY! Chica... I'm so glad you found a break through! YEAH! Congrats... do you have a before and after picture, I'd love to see the changes too.
