Saturday 10 September 2011

My Curlie Mom

When I first told my mother that I was going to transition an grow my perm out, she didn’t know what to say. I could tell that she was not sure about the idea, only because she wasn’t sure about my motives.

I explained to her that I wanted to be free from relaxing, in essence putting myself through an intervention if you will. I explained to her that even though I was early in my transition that I was already seeing the benefits of not being exposed to harsh chemicals.

Little did I know that almost a year after I started my transition my mom big chopped from her curly perm. She told me that she noticed that her hair was thinning because of all the years of perming.

She said that she realized that we had been brain-washed to think pressing and perming was the only way for our hair to be styled to look good. She now knows that is not true since the hair that grows out of our heads is naturally curly.

Since her big chop, my mom loves her curls and loves the fact that I went natural too. For her me going natural gave her an incentive to do so too. She now wears her natural hair with pride and is happy she left the relaxing and perming days behind. She is now free.

Are you an inspiration for others in your family to go curlie?  

Mom and Me
Curls and Blessings,

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