Sunday 21 August 2011

Freedom with Curls

Do you remember those days when you were afraid of rain or snow messing with your fresh flat ironed or pressed style? I do, like it was yesterday.

Yes natural hair is still effected by the elements, but not to the point where they have total control over whether you go outside or not. I remember staying at home, if I couldn’t find an umbrella or had a ride to pick me up. Those days are over. Now, the rain just adds a little bit more frizz than there was to begin with. LOL! I have a love hate relationship with frizz, but sometimes you just have to submit and let your curlies be frizzy if they want. At the end of the day at least your hair is getting moisture right!

I love the fact that now I don’t have to run from the rain or hide under a roof or tree for shelter to protect my hair. This freedom is amazing and something that I always wanted. It just reaffirms to me that going natural was the right decision after all. My husband even asked me what it was like not having to worry about the rain. I told him it was great and now I can enjoy those flash summer showers. In addition to being released from the bondage the rain once had over me, it was also nice to see that my husband appreciated it as well.

How has natural hair released you? Share your stories...

Blessings and Curls,

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